Killer Nashville Conference
Steph can’t wait for this crime and mystery focused writer’s conference. Hope to see you there!
Check back in for more info.

Ghostlight Books Indie Author Festival
It’s Independent Bookstore Day! Come celebrate and visit Steph at the Ghostlight Indie Author Festival, a part of their Indie Bookstore celebrations.

Women In Publishing Summit
Steph is so excited to attend this virtual conference! Please reach out if you plan to participate, too.
AW Women's Retreat
Steph will be hanging out at the Antiochian Women’s Retreat on September 17. She may or may not be speaking, too. Check back for more info!
AW Breakfast
Stephanie is speaking at this month’s St. Ignatius Women’s Breakfast! Join her as she shares thoughts about community.
St. Ignatius Women’s Breakfast
This breakfast is a casual, come-as-you-are breakfast is hosted by the Antiochian Women in the St. Ignatius Parish Hall on the second Saturday of every month. All women are invited to attend.
The monthly breakfast format is:
9:00 AM Prayer and Fellowship
9:40 AM Presentation, Speaker, or Group Activity/Service Project
10:00 AM End
Each month’s gathering is a time for women to come together in a fun, no-fuss setting to spend quality time with one another.
The cost is free, but registration is appreciated so we can be sure to have enough food and drink for everyone. To register, please click here.
Where Faith and Truth meet Science Fiction and Fantasy
Stephanie M. Braun will be speaking as a part of the Doxacon teen track. Her presentation, "Traveling the Hero's Journey," will take a look at Joseph Campbell's iconic story archetype. Does it apply to our own lives? What, if anything, can we learn from it?
Doxacon Prime is sponsored by the Protection of the Holy Mother of God Orthodox Church in Falls Church, VA in partnership with St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral
in Washington, DC. on August 18 & 19.
Annunciation Tea Keynote Speaker
Stephanie is speaking at the annual St. Athanasius Orthodox Church Annunciation Tea! She grew up in this parish, and is looking forward to have the chance to share her thoughts on the life of the Mother of God, and the courage it takes to say, "Yes."